Thursday, July 14, 2011

Trummelbach Falls Walkabout

Today was a typical day on a tour like this...go go go, non-stop activities, from dawn to dusk - and the days are long here because the sun is up between 5 and 5:30 am and doesn't go down until after 9 pm. So I have two separate walkabouts to write about.

This morning we went to Trummelbach Falls, down in the Lauterbrunnen Valley. It's just down the cliff from Murren, but to get there we had to go back down on our gondolas and ride on the bus a short ways. Visiting Trummelbach Falls is not like visiting an ordinary waterfall, where you pull over on the side of the road, snap a few pictures and move on.

People pay to get an up close, wet and personal look at this monstrous and powerful waterfall that carries the melted water from the Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau through twisting tunnels inside the mountain at a rate of over 5,000 gallons per second. Trummelbach Falls can't be seen from the road. The only visible part is at the very bottom where the water gushes out of the mountain. To really see it, you have to go inside the mountain.

First, we rode up an elevator inside the mountain. Then we climbed up wet stairs and through damp caves, glimpsing parts of the waterfall all along the way, until we reached the top. Instead of describing all that to you, I'm going to let you share the experience. YOLO!