Thursday, November 3, 2011

Final Batam Walkabout

You'd think after spending five days at an Indonesian tropical resort with two pools and a beach, Tom and I would come home with golden suntans. 

Alas, that is not the case. Tom was in Asia to work and I tagged along for fun. But once we got to Batam, we both spent three full days working - he out at the job site as preparations are being made for the project to begin next summer, and me and the two other wives who also made the trip gathering information for the families and single workers who will be moving there. It was an interesting and enlightening experience for both of us and we managed to squeeze some time out of each day to enjoy Turi Beach Resort and its sister property, Nongsa Point Marina.

Our days began early, around 5:30 am, with views like this from our ocean-front Bali-style bed and "hut" and a long walk or run along the beach... the Nongsa Point Marina...

...where we gazed at the gleaming Singapore skyline across the horizon...

After breakfast Darlene, Carolina and I enjoyed touring housing developments, hotels and schools, meeting with real estate agents, shopping at grocery stores and malls, and lunching at fabulous Indonesian-style restaurants, all with the gracious help of our new friend, Karen. Naturally, I took lots of photos. Here are some of my favorite.

We toured a golf course neighborhood and homes in golf carts...

One of the malls we shopped at...great bargains in Batam!!!!

When we arrived at the Harris Hotel, the staff was DANCING for us!
Carolina, a Zumba teacher, jumped right in and danced with them.

The hotel staff also prepared afternoon tea just for us.
This is a new hotel that is opening Nov. 5 and they definitely want our future business.

This was my favorite neighborhood, Nongsa Village, featuring Bali-style houses on stilts on the ocean.
No cars allowed, walking and golf carts only.

I'm ready to totally redo my home - Bali style.

I love the Asian habit of taking off your shoes when you enter a home.
 I wonder if I could convince my guests to do that here...

A bedroom in one of the houses we toured while looking for rental possibilities.

Unfortunately, this is the type of housing most of Batam's citizens live and work in. 

And this is their typical mode of transportation...often carrying infants and small children in front of the driver, and whole families piled behind them.

We've seen similar sights in Cambodia, Thailand, and Mexico, where the average daily wage is $3 to $5 a day. The poorest of the poor in America live better than most of the citizens in these countries and have so many more opportunities. I wish they realize that and take advantage of their good live in America. OK, I'll step off my soapbox.

Tom and I arrived home safe and sound with two weeks' worth of laundry, upside down body clocks, a mild cold for me, 50 degree weather, and internet that was not working, thus the delay of this post. Where will we go next? Stay tuned! YOLO!!